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How to set up your Docker Community Edition installation.


Use cases

Consider the following examples:

  • You want a standardized runtime environment across production, QA and developer scenarios.
  • You want all the runtime environment's specification in a single file, what is easy to manage through version control systems.
  • You want the environment to be reproducible. After all, it's just a matter of building an image from the specification and once it's done it is already self-documented on what steps were taken to cook the final image.
  • You prefer a layered architecture and the ability to cache artifacts across several images and backup & restore the images easily.

Why use Docker containers over virtual machines?

In short: Docker containers utilize Linux's capabilities such as cgroups and namespaces to create an isolated environment and do not virtualize hardware. Therefore, they are way more lightweight than virtual machines and can be brought up in a large scale in a blink of an eye rather than waiting for a single virtual machine to boot.

For more information, take a look at our blog entry on the basics of containerization.

System requirements

The following operating systems and architectures are covered by this guide:

  • EuroLinux 8 on the x86_64 and aarch64 architecture.
  • EuroLinux 7 on the x86_64 architecture.

Make sure the containers you want to run are of the same architecture as your machine.

If you need support with installation on the EuroLinux releases this guide does not cover, please create an appropriate ticket.


EuroLinux 8

The following steps are based on Docker, Inc. official guide as of 2022.02.01. We will just use the commands provided as snippets for a quick way of copying & pasting one snippet for a successful installation.

The following snippet installs Docker on EuroLinux 8.6. Other releases may work as well, but have not been tested. Once a new EuroLinux release is out, this guide will be updated.

Docker installation removes podman and buildah

Please note that this operation will replace runc with and remove both podman and buildah.

sudo yum remove -y docker docker-client docker-client-latest docker-common docker-latest docker-latest-logrotate docker-logrotate docker-engine
which yum-config-manager || sudo yum install -y yum-utils
sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
sudo yum install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli --allowerasing
sudo systemctl enable docker --now

EuroLinux 7

EuroLinux provides their own builds of Docker for EuroLinux 7.

Please prepare your EuroMan credentials and enable the el-server-7-extras-x86_64 channel first, like so:

sudo rhn-channel -u "$el_euroman_user" -p "$el_euroman_password" -c el-server-7-extras-x86_64 -a

Then you are ready to install Docker:

sudo yum install -y docker
sudo systemctl enable docker --now

What's next?

EuroLinux provides several Docker images for you to use. They are publicly available and free of charge. Take a look at our entry EuroLinux docker images are now available for more information. Additionally, we provide a quick guide for having the images up and running in no time.